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Norman Robinson (left), undated c.1970s, recording birds in Western Australia (photo courtesy of Vicki Powys, from R. Buckingham, “Obituary: Frank Norman Robinson,” AudioWings 2, no. 1 (1999), 12-13); Ranger Neville Fenton (above), 1976, at Dorrigo National Park (photo courtesy of Neville Fenton). Both researched the “flute lyrebird” phenomenon.

Syd Curtis recording an Albert's Lyrebird on 8 July 2003 at the western side of Main Range National Park, Queensland (photo: Kimbal Curtis). In addition to his expertise on the Albert's Lyrebird, Curtis also researched the “flute lyrebird” phenomenon.

Above: Hollis, Nev, and Craig at the original homestead on 13 June 2013 (photo: Jude). Below: With over 100 sites visited to date, Vicki, Carol, and Hollis meet in New South Wales' Capertee Valley to review the "flute lyrebird" mapping project.

Allan's Water homestead ruins (elevation 1600 metres), dated November 1980 (photo: Neville Fenton). Craig and Nev searching for remains of the blacksmith shop at the original homestead in Allan's Water on 13 June 2013 (photos: Hollis Taylor).